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December 3, 2022

A Magical Note From Santa (Here’s How To Get One)

There’s nothing like hearing from the Big Man himself!


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Things are all hustle and bustle at the North Pole, but Santa can always make time to write a letter to your kids, can’t he? He just (ahem! cough!) needs your help to get it to them, if you know what we mean. If you thought your children were excited before, just wait until they see this note slipped under the door or propped on the mantle. Here are a few hints about how to go about it. 

Think about what Santa should weigh in on

Should he use this opportunity to praise a job well done in school, or maybe to set up some guidelines (like sharing) for the gifts your kids are about to receive? You decide what he should address. 

Channel Santa speak 

Prep to translate Santa’s thoughts with a crash course on North-Pole vocabulary. Pay special attention during Christmas movies for a little extra inspiration. Expect lots of jolly, merry, ho ho ho, and oh what fun! Santa is always sure to include special, personalized details, too. 

Envision the design (then execute!)

Santa’s been known to do all kinds of cool things—like using custom stationery or  doodling in the margins. If Santa decides his penmanship is not up to the task, he loves fonts like ALGERIAN for headings and Blackadder ITC for the actual letter. 

Details, details, details… 

The details make it real. Santa’s been known to splatter some hot cocoa while he writes, and sometimes he even accidentally burns the corners of the paper on the candle that’s at his side! You might also find aged-looking paper, postage marks from the North Pole, and sparkly magic glitter find their way into or onto the envelope. (Santa often follows Vectoria Designs’ tutorial for aging paper.)

The letter itself is everything

We know Santa is busy and your kids will understand, too. Even if he’s able to manage a few sentences in between managing the elves and his Zoom meetings, it’s sure to be a memory and a keepsake your kids will treasure. Have fun—and make sure the kids write back!