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December 27, 2022

How to Host a Dazzling New Year's Eve Party

Five tips to host a festive, stress free New Years party


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New Year's Eve is one of the most magical nights of the year: The dressing up, popping lots of bubbly, and making resolutions for a fresh start! But going out on the town can be expensive and exhausting. So why not host something at home? If you aren’t wiped out from hosting Christmas, New Years is a wonderful time to invite dear friends and family over to connect and countdown together. We are happy to tell you it doesn’t have to be a huge ordeal either. Hint: Invite everyone after dinner! 

Here are five tips for hosting an easy and chic New Years Eve party.


Luckily most of us will still have our Christmas decorations on display so your home already has a festive vibe! But if you want to add a little extra pizzazz, buy a box of votives to spread around the house. Also a New Years banner will add some easy sparkle. Speaking of, buy a pile of glittery party hats, headbands, and noisemakers and spread them out on a table for people to pick their own when they arrive. You can easily find these at your local party store or online.

Food & Drink

While the invitation is for later in the evening, you still need some simple appetizers for people to nibble on all night. We love a Spinach Dip in a Bread Bowl, a cheese board and cupcakes or brownies for sweets. Make it an easy, plate free affair. 

As for drinks, make a punch! This is simple and fun way for people to serve themselves. It’s also easy to simply refill the punch bowl as needed. You can also keep the punch alcohol free and keep the champagne next to the bowl so people can go at their own pace! 

Resolution Table

Since New Years parties can last a while (everyone has to wait for the ball to drop!), it’s a good idea to have some activities for people to do so they just aren’t drinking all night. A resolution table is a great idea. Simply leave out a few pads of Post-its or blank cards with a glass full of pens and let people take a moment to contemplate what they want to improve for the new year. 

The Ball Drop

If you want the ball drop to be a part of your evening, be sure to have your TV ready and on the right channel at least an hour before midnight (keep it on mute until then). That way you aren’t scrambling to find it as the countdown happens. Also, if the television is on, hide the remote so nobody can change the station. We know who you are! 

Bump it Up a Notch

If you want to go the extra memorable mile, set up a mouthwash station so everyone can have fresh breath when kissing at midnight! Disposable cameras are always a great way to capture the night and have people share the pictures in weeks to come. Speaking of, you can always create an ‘Instagram Corner or Wall’ for people to take photos in front of. You can set up balloons, a banner and some good lighting. Maybe even create a #hashtag!