November 5, 2023
Wire cutters
Paddle wire
14" wire wreath form
Bay leaf
Incense cedar
Orange slices
Step 1
Gather supplies.
Step 2
Clip greens into manageable pieces.
Step 3
Create a small bundle in your hand.
Step 4
Place the bundle on the wire wreath form.
Step 5
Take your paddle wire and wrap the bundle to the frame, twisting the wire around the back. DO NOT CUT YOUR WIRE. You will now use it to wrap around over and over to secure the rest of the bundles.
Step 6
Your wire is now secure enough to continue to wrap the rest of the bundles to complete your wreath. Take another bundle and layer over the first.
Step 7
Wrap your wire around the base of the bundle and continue until you can only fit one more bundle to finish. Then tuck the last bundle under the previous and wrap with wire.
Step 8
Secure wire as you did at the beginning, by wrapping it around to the back and twisting. Clip the wire with your wire cutters and tuck or wrap loose ends around the back of the wire frame.
Step 9
Tie on your favorite ribbon combination and any embellishments.
Step 10
Step back and enjoy your wreath.